Informaţii generale SOLICITANT PRIVAT: Denumirea solicitantului: ASOCIAŢIA „CLUSTER MOBILIER TRANSILVAN” Adresa sediu social: municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Pţa 1 Mai, nr. 4-5, jud. Cluj; Sucursala: Cluj-Napoca, str. Tiberiu Popoviciu, nr. 2-4, Clădirea Creic, unitatea A / 01/ 05, et. 1, judeţul Cluj Persoana de contact: Miko Levente, tel 0742144787, email: Corespondenţa: prin e-mail, la adresa:…
Ciprian Morcan was invited to give an interview within the Better Factory international project, in which Transylvanian Furniture Cluster is involved as a partner. By reading this interview, you will better understand what is the impact of the project for the furniture industry (and, implicitly, for our cluster’s members), how Ciprian sees the evolution of…